718 Аnnette Street
Toronto, Ontario
M6S 2E2
Tel: 416-233-9700
Visit Website
Mission Statement
The Ukrainian Youth Ensembles Corp (YMA) TORONTO "Vasyl Kardash", consisting of the Levada Women's Choir, Orion Men's Choir, and Vanguard Concert/Marching Band, were founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1985 under the musical direction of the late Maestro Vasyl Kardash. Since their inception, the late Reverend Ivan Trush was the Spiritual Advisor of this musical organization.
The Levada and Orion Choirs encourage a safe and positive learning environment. We encourage teamwork because organizations that work together towards a common goal reap many benefits. Our musical performances and presentations promote aesthetic development, education and diversity by uniting adults, seniors, new immigrants and younger generational choristers, musicians, mature and newly trained soloists. Our Choirs support Canadian composers by performing and incorporating their musical compositions into their repertoire. Together, we introduce a unique element of Ukrainian culture into the diverse and multi-cultural mosaic of Canada.
Goals and Objectives
Різдвяний концерт хорів Левада та Оріон (УМА) Торонто ім. В. Кардаша
Begins on Sun, Jan 12, 2025 4:00 PM
More InfoВшанування пам’яті Ніни Матвієнко “Мамо, вечір догоря”
Begins on Sat, Nov 16, 2024 7:00 PM
More InfoUkrainian Christmas Concert "Standing-Hand-In-Hand With Ukraine"
Begins on Sun, Jan 15, 2023 3:30 PM
Humber Valley United Church, 76 Anglesey Blvd., Toronto