Promoted by League of Ukrainian Canadians, Toronto Branch
Begins on Wed, Feb 21, 2024 6:30 PM

Event Type: Other

Event Description

International Churchill Society Canada і Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy запрошують вас на зустріч: UKRAINE CONNECTION.

Головний доповідач: Ігор Козак

Wednesday, February 21 – 6:30 for 7 pm

$45 – sandwiches and coffee included.

Cash bar.

Albany Club, 91 King St. E., Toronto

- Business casual

PayPal/Credit Card: Contact Myra at  or call 514-884-9432

Cheque: Payable to ICS Canada, and please send to: Myra Dodick, 6595 Mackle Road # 419, Montreal QC H4W 2Y1 Flyer Ukraine Feb 21-page-002_1707257247.jpg

Event Location
